Making Catholic Education Affordable for ALL Saint Thomas the Apostle Families

Low, Middle and High-Income Families Eligible

Take the credit and create scholarships for students YOU KNOW

Catholic Education Arizona

Take the credit and create scholarships for needy STA students

Arizona Tuition Connection

Funded by state tax dollars, ESA funding can be used to pay private school tuition


Own a Business? Contact us to learn how to create scholarships for needy STA students

Contact Us

Attend a Parent Training and Learn How to Eliminate your Student's Tuition

Each session is approximately 1 hour in length. All sessions present same content so parents can find the best fit for their schedules. Please contact the school office at (602) 954-9088 for exact times and location


Who is eligible for state tax-credit tuition scholarships?

Everyone, no matter their income. If you have a student in private school in Arizona, you are eligible for at least one type of scholarship. There are different scholarships to apply for based on each family’s circumstances. Click on the Resources section to download a cheat sheet of important facts and an STO comparison chart.

Are there any special deadlines I need to watch for?

If your child is in Kindergarten this year or transferring from a public school, NOW is the time to apply for what is called a “Switcher” scholarship. You must receive a “switcher” scholarship during your first year in private school to receive it for future years.

If you are looking to DIRECT your tax dollars, you must do so by April 15th to be able to take the Arizona tax credit off the previous year's taxes.

Do I have to re-apply every year?

You will need to fill out STO applications with each new school year. New scholarships are awarded with each new school year.

How do I know if I’ve received scholarships?

The STO awarding your funds will be able to tell you the total amount you received. You can also contact the Saint Thomas the Apostle Tuition Manager for this information.

Can I participate in Fund For All STA even if I don’t have kids in school?

YES! If you pay Arizona state taxes, single and married filers can tell Arizona to send ANY amount from $1 up to the annual limit* to Saint Thomas the Apostle to fund tuition scholarships. We strive to fund all STA students, but prioritize needy students first. *See Arizona Tuition Connection's website for specific amounts:


Do you have questions about the Empowerment Scholarship Account Program? GET ANSWERS HERE:

ESA Parent Handbook: Get Handbook

Can my business direct tax dollars?

Absolutely! Contact Tuition Manager, Dawn Mulligan at for more info.



Download The Sheet

Contact Us

For more information contact Tuition Manager, Dawn Mulligan at